Frequently asked questions about score4more and participation in the German Sustainability Award
You use the score4more platform and services to register and create an account. As with other online platforms, the legal basis is regulated by score4more's General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, e.g. the technical availability of the services or due diligence and data protection issues.
Problems with registration: The error message "Company already exists" indicates that another employee of your company has already created a profile for your company. Each user can currently be assigned to exactly one company profile. Use a different e-mail address to create another profile, e.g. for an independent sub-company. Problems logging in: If you have forgotten your password, you can have a new password sent to you in the login area under "Forgot password". If you have any further questions, please contact our support team via the chat function or
In the basic package, one user per company can work on score4more and on the sustainability profile. In the Pro package, you can work together as a team and invite four other users to join your team by email, who can then edit the sustainability profile together and also use all other Pro functionalities.
Especially in larger companies, contact persons, roles and responsibilities can change frequently. If the account creatiing user for score4more and the profile has changed at your company, it is technically possible to implement this change using the team function in the Pro package. The original user sets up the team function and invites the transferring user as a team member by e-mail. The new user can then continue to edit the profile as normal.
Yes, you can also create an account on score4more and a sustainability profile on behalf of a company. To do this, enter the contact persons in the company on whose behalf you are working under Contact details in the profile. With a Pro account, you can also invite your contacts to the profile. Up to 5 team members can be set up in the Pro account via the team function.
The basic account includes free basic functionalities such as the sustainability profile, which enable simple and free participation in the German Sustainability Award. In the Pro account, you can use paid additional functionalities such as scoring, benchmarking and team functions. These are intended to provide assistance in the transformation process and facilitate teamwork. You can find out more about the differences between Basic and Pro on our website or in the Pro-Flyer-DE or Pro-Flyer EN
The Pro package currently costs 529 euros per account and year. This price is made possible by predominantly AI-supported automation. The aim is to give small and medium-sized companies or organizations with a limited budget access to sustainability data and scoring and benchmarking analyses so that they can make informed and targeted decisions.
score4more is constantly evolving as a platform to provide a wider range of analyses and applications. By taking out an annual subscription to score4more Pro, you can use future Pro functions directly as part of your subscription.
Yes, if your customer is already using Pro, they can simply invite you by email as an external team member via "Teams" from their account. Similarly, you can upgrade to Pro and then invite your customer via the team function.
Payment is made via Stripe as the payment service provider by credit card using the annual payment method. You also enter your billing details in the payment process via Stripe. You will receive a payment receipt and an invoice by e-mail immediately after completion.
Especially in larger companies, payment options are often restricted for suppliers, e.g. via settings in ERP systems. For simple processing in purchasing, you should therefore classify score4more internally as a software provider, as credit card payment is generally possible in purchasing for software providers and SaaS solutions.
You can manage and change all subscription and billing data in Stripe, including canceling your annual subscription. To do this, go to your score4more account with Stripe using the user e-mail for the account.
If you wish to carry out deletions (e.g. deleting team members, changing the admin user in the team), this may not always be possible via the platform, as the respective functionality is still under development. In this case, please contact our support team via the chat function or
If you wish to delete your score4more account, please send an informal email to stating the company name and the email address with which the account was created. We will verify your request and confirm the deletion once it has been completed. After an account deletion, all data including the sustainability profile and possible scoring and benchmarking results will be deleted.
The company profile presents industry-specific measures, solutions and key figures for the company in a structured manner. It summarizes the contents of the sustainability report or the company's published sustainability performance in a simple way. The profile is based on the European Reporting Standards (ESRS) and the current version consists of your company's sustainability story, six industry-specific criteria and your carbon footprint.
The processing time is 15 to 30 minutes on average, depending on the scope of the sustainability activities that a company has already implemented and published. The bullet-point list of measures and solutions in the profile has proven to be very time-efficient. If required, you can also use the optional team function in the Pro account to edit and coordinate the profile together as a team.
Key sustainability issues vary from sector to sector. In the social sector, for example, social sustainability aspects are material, while in energy-intensive industries, climate and energy issues are important. These industry specifics are mapped via your profile. It is a pre-selection of criteria based on the first sector specifications of the EU ESRS. The profile therefore also provides companies with starting points for so-called IRO topics (Impact, Risks, Opportunities), which are analyzed in materiality analyses in accordance with the new EU ESRS reporting standard.
You select the industry in which your company is predominantly active, i.e. the majority of sales or added value is generated there. If you are unsure about the industry, please contact us via the chat function or use our 15-minute onboarding. At the same time, you will find examples of companies in our Top 100 pioneers list, which you can also use as a guide when selecting an industry.
If your company has independent sub-companies that are active in different sectors, a sub-company can also create its own profile in a different sector. The prerequisite is that there is a delimitable sub-company and that the sustainability performance of the sub-company is published independently, e.g. via its own sustainability report. The profile for the sub-company is created by a separate user and by specifying the sub-company's own company name.
To change your company to another sector, please contact us using this form or the chat function.
score4more aims to make the database from sustainability reports and published information more usable. This information is validated internally and increasingly also externally by the company and has an official character. The quality and importance of data from sustainability reports will continue to increase with the EU regulation on more extensive reporting requirements (CSRD/ESRS).
Many companies do not yet have a sustainability report or a declaration on the German Sustainability Code (DNK). Companies without a report can still create a profile and alternatively provide a link to the best possible published source(s) in which the information provided in the profile can be found. These can be, for example, sustainability descriptions on the company website.
Your profile is currently not public and other companies cannot see the profile in detail. In future, selected data such as the company name, industry, location or abstract can be activated for search functions. Companies will also be able to set the visibility of their profile themselves. As the profiles are based on public data and transparency and best practice transfer is an important lever in the transformation, the aim is to make public sustainability data easier and more structured to use for the transformation. The already available benchmarking is a first step here: in benchmarking, scorings as well as selected and summarized best practices of pre-selected pioneers are aggregated and compared with your profile. The content of the pioneering companies in each industry is thus used for benchmarks (selection via the current scores), with the measures and solutions being filtered for relevance with the help of AI and compiled in a different language. You can therefore be sure that you have control over the original content of your profile.
Do you already have a sustainability report or an integrated report? Then this is your report source. Enter the URL link to your current report here, as well as the year to which the information in the report refers. DNK users enter the link to the current declaration in the DNK database. If you do not yet have a report, enter an alternative URL link to published sustainability information, for example more detailed descriptions on your website. In this case, select the previous year as the last available, completed calendar year as the reference year.
You can now add links for up to two sources as the basis for your information. It is important that these sources are publicly accessible, as only information that has already been published can be taken into account. This makes sense, for example, if there is another relevant source in addition to the sustainability report as the main source, such as a sustainability section on the website or a progress report.
Yes, please update your profile as soon as the stored sources are also updated, e.g. when your new sustainability report is published or website content has changed. The profile should always summarize the content of the current sources.
Previous versions of the profile are saved in the background as a technical backup. In future, users will be able to view the profile versions from previous years. These will be saved for the respective year on December 31st and will be made available to the user as a separate annual version.
You can update the URL link to your (publicly available) source(s) via "Company details". To do this, click on Edit in your company details and save the changes. The company name can also be changed there.
Please only name published measures and solutions. This creates the same data basis and conditions for all companies. In particular, please refrain from listing confidential information in your score4more profile.
In most cases, the logic results from the context, e.g. measures and solutions to improve energy efficiency are specified in the criterion of the same name. The most common errors in classification occur with resource topics such as recycling measures, which are often listed under climate criteria instead of resources. If you are therefore unsure where your measure or solution fits, you can simply look it up in the criteria glossary. This contains all the criteria, a brief description and keywords that make it easier to differentiate between the criteria in terms of content and thus to assign them.
In the profile, greenhouse gas emissions of the companies of the last 3 years are queried as key figures for Scope 1, 2 and 3. If you have not yet measured certain years and/or scopes, this can be shown accordingly in the balance sheet. You can still complete your profile, have it scored or submit it later to the German Sustainability Award.
You are welcome to use our score4more Customer Support Chat and/or book a free 15-minute onboarding session. Our sustainability and development team will support you quickly and competently.
Your profile is currently not directly visible, i.e. if you want to make the profile accessible to other people or organizations, you can simply invite them as a team member via the "Teams" menu item in the Pro account. To do this, enter the e-mail address of the desired contact, who will then receive an invitation.
You can have your company profile scored directly online on a 6-level scale to identify strengths and potential for improvement in your sustainability performance. The scoring is generated for each criterion in the profile and on average. With the scoring you are also directly benchmarkable and can compare your scoring in benchmarking with other pioneering companies in order to find best practice measures and
solutions for score improvement. You can find more background information on scoring in the blog article.
Companies still receive too little structured feedback on their sustainability performance. For example, companies sometimes publish sustainability reports or DNK declarations over several years without ever knowing exactly how well they are performing due to a lack of feedback or systematic evaluation methods. Until now, only large companies have been able to use ratings, but these are often expensive and extensive. With scoring, we want to give all companies the opportunity to receive a structured and comparable rating for their sustainability performance in specific areas and to be able to compare themselves with others. This can provide clarity as to where a company stands in the transformation process. It can facilitate communication within the company and especially with the management as to where priorities and new sustainability initiatives should be set. We have observed that companies with scoring over several years can develop in a much more targeted manner and demonstrably improve and transform faster.
You can use scoring for your company profile as a paid Pro functionality. If you have upgraded to Pro, you can request scoring in your profile. This is then created on the basis of the existing profile and then displayed online in the company profile. The creation of the scoring is currently still partially automated and takes up to 5 working days. You will be informed by e-mail when the scoring is available in the profile.
As part of the Pro annual subscription, you can be scored twice a year. For example, it would be conceivable to have a scoring carried out at the beginning of the year for a company profile based on the previous year's performance in order to identify areas for improvement. After implementing new measures, you can have the profile updated accordingly in the second half of the year in order to determine progress.
Benchmarking is another function in the Pro package. Benchmarking allows you to compare your company with up to 4 pioneering companies from your industry in terms of scoring and best practices in each individual criterion of the profile. The aim is to accelerate the transformation: Via best practice transfer and learning from the best, all companies should have the opportunity to quickly and easily identify additional measures and steps in the transformation for their own improvement. Benchmarking offers a pragmatic and clear starting point here. Further details on benchmarking can be found in the blog article.
The prerequisite for benchmarking is that you have completed your own profile and have already requested and received a scoring. Once you have your scoring, you can request benchmarking in the next step.
Yes, experience shows that benchmarking provides valuable orientation, especially for companies that are supposedly still at the beginning. Companies discover that they may not be as bad as they always thought and have already implemented a number of measures. And the pioneering examples usually provide direct starting points for launching their own more comprehensive sustainability program.
The selected pioneering companies are predefined and represent pioneers in a sector based on scoring results from the previous year and their performance in the German Sustainability Award as a winner or finalist in a sector.
Once the scoring is available, you can simply request the benchmarking online. The creation takes up to 5 working days with partial automation. As soon as the benchmarking is available, you will be informed by e-mail. You can then use the benchmarking directly online.
No, the best practices in the benchmarking are a selection of measures chosen by the companies. They are filtered from the profiles of the pioneering companies according to their degree of sustainability (based on the scores) and summarized linguistically using AI/ML so that they have a consistent length and form of wording. As all the information in the profiles comes from published sources, the best practices can also be found in public sources.
A solution profile is a compilation of information about your solution, i.e. product or service, the description of the sustainability problem, the solution approach and the impact achieved. You can create and manage the solution profiles from your existing score4more account.
The solution profile is intended to summarize sustainable products and services in a comprehensible way and make them visible to other companies on the platform. Solution profiles are always assigned to a company profile, although freelance designers are also eligible for the DNP Product Award, for example. Ultimately, the best solutions should be visible on score4more, whether through competitions or by addressing specific companies with the solution profiles.
Below you will find the structure of the first part of the solution profile, which includes a title, an image, the summary (abstract) and the selection of the relevant transformation fields as central components. You can define up to three transformation fields.
In the lower section you will find "Details" (consisting of Solution, Impact, Objectives, Narrative) as well as resources and contact details for the solution.
The aim of the solution profiles is to make sustainable products and services more visible. This can be achieved through participation in product prizes or, in the long term, through the targeted display of the profiles to "needy" companies.
Yes, solutions are all market-oriented offerings, i.e. products, services and solution systems.
Yes, you can create solution profiles, even if
Up to 3 solution profiles can currently be created. If you want to replace an existing one, you can edit each field and adapt it for the new solution.
In order to classify sustainable solutions, it is important to know the responsible company and to be able to categorize it from a sustainability perspective. Solution profiles should therefore only be created in conjunction with a company profile.
These fields are derived from the United Nations 2030 Agenda, the objectives of the EU Green Deal and the German government's sustainability strategy. The sub-themes also reflect the requirements of the EU taxonomy and the new EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the corresponding European Sustainability Reporting Standard (ESRS) as the new European reporting standard.
They form the categories for the solution profiles on score4more and are determined independently of the sector or industry to which the companies belong.
The transformation fields with sub-topics are (based on ESRS with ESRS ID):
- Climate (in particular climate protection and climate adaptation; E1),
- Resources (in particular circular economy and water; E5/E3),
- Nature (in particular pollutants and biodiversity; E2). Pollutants and biodiversity; E2/E4),
- Value chain (esp. employees and supply chain; S1/S2) and
- Society (esp. communities and consumers; S3/S4)
You can upload up to 2 links (to the solution website and another source) and 2 files (PDF, PNG or JPEG).
Your solution profile is currently being made visible for competitions such as the DNP Product Award at your request. In future, you will also be able to draw the attention of companies to your solutions.
Yes, creating a solution profile is free of charge. However, participation in competitions, such as the DNP Product Prize, may incur costs.
The common goal of score4more and the DNP is to promote sustainability and transformation across the economy. This requires a scalable data platform and evaluation methodology in order to be able to analyze a large number of companies. This is where the DNP uses the score4more platform, which is not only technically capable of mapping a large number of companies, but also methodologically shares the DNP's focus on pioneers and examples of transformation.
You create a company profile for your company in your sector via score4more. You can change this as often as you like until the deadline for the German Sustainability Award competition. You can maintain the status of your profile in the application. The existing profile will be automatically adopted for the DNP by the DNP deadline at the latest.
Use these FAQs and our blog articles as well as the descriptions at the German Sustainability Award. You can also take advantage of our free 15-minute onboarding session, which you can arrange directly here.
The user who creates the account and the profile is the first contact for the profile and therefore also for the DNP application. Please maintain the organization details in the profile, including all relevant contact details for the company and the respective contact persons. These contact details will be sent to the DNP in order to organize the communication process across the competition.
The abstract is of central importance in the application. The jury receives a quick overview of your application via the abstract and the three sustainability highlights below it. It is important that the abstract meets the minimum formal requirements for the jury. These are shown in the profile as you edit. The abstract will also be used later by the DNP as an editorial template to publish the nominees on the DNP website on a map by sector. The published abstracts are edited by the DNP and are not automatically linked to the score4more profile. If you wish to make changes, please contact the DNP directly.
The advantage of the score4more platform is that you can create a profile at any time and the profile can always be taken into account for the competition. This means that if you create a profile after the deadline, it can be used directly for next year's DNP.
Yes, DNP participants only need to register and create a company profile on score4more in order to participate in the DNP. These are free of charge for all companies. In addition, there are paid additional functionalities for companies on score4more. These are voluntary and can be booked separately, but are not a prerequisite for DNP participation.
The profile focuses on a few key topics for your company's chosen industry and is based on the EU reporting standard ESRS. This makes it easier to compare industry-specific, material issues across different companies. If your company has provided and published sustainability services that are not queried in the profile but that you would like to share with the DNP jury for the competition, additional input fields and an optional upload option for an additional document are available under the "DNP" menu item.
Yes, under the menu item "DNP" you can enter further sustainability achievements that you consider relevant for the DNP jury. This can be a text of a maximum of 2,000 characters or a document (PDF, JPEG or PNG) with a maximum size of 20 MB. The first 10 pages of the uploaded file will be considered by the jury.
In some cases, using the Firefox browser can lead to problems in the application. Please ensure that the latest version of the browser is installed or preferably use one of the following browsers: Chrome, Internet Explorer or Safari. Please contact our support team, who will help you as quickly as possible.
You can and should simply update your profile from the previous year. The profile can still be accessed with the login data you have provided at If you no longer have your password, you can assign a new one there. The data from the previous year is available as a PDF download for security reasons, which is why you can overwrite, delete or add to the existing data in your profile as you wish.
Your company may have been pre-researched by score4more, i.e. a profile has been prepared by our team of analysts with the help of artificial intelligence. In this case, you will receive a link to accept the profile so that you can add further details to the pre-researched profile. During the process, you will be asked to enter your password, which you can use to log in at any time.
As part of the cooperation with the German Sustainability Award, the information in your profile will be made available to the DNP and the DNP jury members in your sector in order to determine nominees and award winners. The data will only be forwarded to the DNP if you agree to this and decide to take part in the award. The files uploaded as part of the DNP will only be used as part of the jury process.
Nominees and finalists can participate again this year, but DNP winners from the previous year will be eliminated. They can also update their profile, but will not be considered in the jury process. Further details can be found at the DNP.
No, all companies are treated equally in the DNP process with your company profile, regardless of whether you have a paid account or a free account with score4more. However, you can use benchmarking to gain insights into the sustainability performance of your peers in your industry and learn from them.
The scoring is provided for all DNP participants as an analysis service by score4more for the DNP. Based on the scoring, the DNP decides on the longlist of companies to be presented to the jury. The jury itself does not receive the scoring results and decides independently and uninfluenced by the scoring on the basis of the information in the company profile. Further information on the jury process is available from the DNP.
The award aims to encourage companies, independent designers, students and start-ups that offer products and services in Germany to act sustainably and help to better anchor the principles of sustainable development in public perception. It aims to prove that responsible action not only helps to solve social and ecological problems on a global or local scale, but can also increase profitability and competitiveness. The challenges of climate change, resource scarcity and species loss are intensifying. At the same time, the expertise of the sustainable economy in Germany is growing. Pioneers in all sectors have long been demonstrating which solutions work and how practical transformation can be achieved. Now it's time to share your knowledge and experience with a wider audience. That is why the DNP awards prizes to "lighthouses" with impact and charisma that make special contributions to the transformation.
If you have general questions about the German Sustainability Award, please contact the German Sustainability Award office at or +49 211 5504-5510.
You can find an overview here.
You can register for the product price by going through the following steps:
1. Register at or log in to your existing account at
2. After logging in, create your company profile or, if necessary, update your existing profile. For the company profile, it is sufficient for the product price to enter the "Summary" and a source, e.g. website or sustainability report. This is only taken into account in the preliminary search to ensure that only companies with a minimum level of sustainability participate in the award.
3. click on "Create new solution" at the bottom of the profile and complete the profile
4. Create up to 3 profiles
5. Click on "Submit" and pay the participation fee (according to your company size and the number of solution profiles submitted)
The visualization can be freely designed (web PDF in DIN A0 format) or uploaded as a PDF file using this application template.
No, the two prizes take place independently of each other.
No, the two awards take place independently of each other, in different categories and with different jury constellations.
Yes, even if you won the company award in your sector last year, you are still eligible for the product award. This also applies to winners in previous years.
A solution profile is a compilation of information about your solution, i.e. product or service, the description of the sustainability problem, the solution approach and the impact achieved. You can create and manage the solution profiles from your existing score4more account.
No, you can create and submit solution profiles from your existing account. In the menu on the left-hand side you will find the option "Solution profile", where you will find the mentioned functionality.
The linking of solution profiles with the company profile enables a holistic presentation of your company and your sustainability efforts. The company profile is only relevant in the preliminary research phase of the product award to ensure that only companies with a minimum level of sustainability are considered for the award. Only solutions, i.e. sustainable products and/or services, can be awarded.
Yes, creating products/services and solution profiles on score4more is free of charge. You are free to decide whether you would like to participate in the product prize until you submit your application. Further application options for the profiles will be activated on the score4more platform in the near future. However, there is a fee for participating in the product prize, depending on the type and size of your company. You will find an overview below.
Under your company profile, you can create additional profiles for your "new solution" solutions. You can then enter information about your solution, i.e. a product or service, the sustainability problem, the solution approach and the impact achieved. The following screenshots show the relevant areas in your profile:
The participation fee for the product prize is staggered according to company size (small, medium and large) and is reduced for multiple applications with several products. Participation is free of charge for start-ups, students and young designers, among others.
You can easily pay by credit card, PayPal or instant bank transfer via the payment provider Stripe. If these options are not possible in your company, please contact us at to request a quote or invoice.
You can submit your product in various categories of the Product Award, which consist of the transformation fields of climate, resources, nature, value chain and society. You can enter up to three transformation fields in order of relevance.
Yes, you can apply for the product prize with up to three products or services.
Yes, application options for the profiles have recently been activated on the score4more platform.
If you would like to make changes to the submitted and paid solution(s) to be taken into account for the DNP product price, you can do so at any time up to the deadline. Changes made before the deadline will be taken into account for the DNP product price.
There is currently no provision for deleting profiles, but you can edit all content in profiles that have already been created and remove many text modules completely. Once submitted, profiles are activated for the jury process.
The profiles on score4more are only visible to you and the score4more team, which analyzes the services described. As part of the cooperation with the German Sustainability Award, the information in the profile will be made available to the DNP in order to determine nominees, finalists and winners. In future, registered users will be able to control the visibility of their profile and decide for themselves whether they want to make their profile public or only share it with selected business partners, for example.