From user feedback to new platform functions - the score4more innovation process

March 12, 2024

score4more supports companies in accelerating their sustainable transformation.

To this end, we are building a platform with comprehensive functions that enable companies to understand, compare and improve their sustainability performance. In doing so, we focus closely on the needs of users and continuously focus on developing functions that address their pain points. Sustainable impact is central to this, guided by the questions:

- How can we make it easier for companies to become sustainable?
- How can we accelerate the transformation in companies?
- What do decision-makers need to steer companies towards sustainability?

To answer these questions, a good go-to-market strategy with user surveys and exchange is needed. This project is supported by the ILB program"Brandenburger Innovationsfachkräfte" with funds from the European Union and the state of Brandenburg.

The objectives of the project are:

- Structured development of an innovation process from customer to development
- Expansion of the platform functionality and offering of score4more Pro for existing customers
- Analysis of the market and the competitive landscape
- Strengthening the score4more brand
- Establishment and introduction of the right marketing channels
- Documentation of the measures and evaluation of the results

By developing customized functions, we want to ensure that our platform has a real impact in terms of sustainable transformation. To ensure this, we establish a process that includes regular surveys to identify user needs and develop new features based on them. This includes setting up a feedback database, requirements profiles for new features, several iteration loops between the marketing and development teams and product design workshops.

A new feature goes through various targeted steps before it goes live. Through a combination of customer focus, innovative features and targeted marketing, we are confident that we can achieve our goals and make a positive contribution to shaping a more sustainable future.

The development is funded by the European Union and the state of Brandenburg.

Illustration with a computer and screens and working people

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