Sustainability in the Industry
Raw Materials Industry

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Impacts, Risks and Opportunities
Sustainability in Raw Materials Industry
Primary raw materials are a scarce commodity. In many countries where they occur, mining puts a strain on the environment and workers. The sustainability goals of the raw materials industry therefore include the use of environmentally and socially acceptable mining and extraction methods.
The variety of standards along the supply chains and their difficult implementation and enforcement are among the challenges when sustainability requirements and security of supply have to be combined. An important transformation lever is therefore the development of sustainable production methods and processes. The aim is to reduce overall landscape and resource consumption and to strengthen biodiversity and ecosystems through effective compensation measures. With a constantly growing world population approaching 10 billion people, the pressure on resources and raw materials will continue to increase.
On a limited planet with limited renewal capacities, it is important to shape the change towards a functioning circular economy and to reduce the exploration of primary raw materials to a minimum. To do this, raw materials must be recovered from the cycle and reused instead of wasting them in a linear “Make – Use – Waste” chain. The raw materials industry plays a central role when it comes to closing cycles worldwide and switching from primary to secondary and renewable raw material sources. It is important to find and use alternative, recyclable sources: the use of more high-quality secondary raw materials from waste is one of the key tasks.
The industry includes, for example, the extraction of primary raw materials and fossil raw materials, stones and earth in mining as well as bio-based and secondary raw materials from cycles.
Industry Materiality
Key Fields in the Industry


Value Chain

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EU NACE Classification
Industry NACE Classes
Included NACE classes in the industry
05 – Coal mining
06.10 – Extraction of petroleum
06.20.0 – Extraction of natural gas
07.21.0 – Mining for uranium and thorium ores
08.11 – Extraction of natural stone and stone, limestone and gypsum stone, chalk and slate
08.9 – Other mining Extraction of stones and earth a. n.g.
09.10.0 – Provision of services for the extraction of crude oil and natural gas
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