Sustainability in the Industry

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Impacts, Risks and Opportunities
Sustainability in Packaging
Whether disposable to-go cups, pizza boxes, packaged vegetables or online orders: the flood of packaging is constantly increasing despite growing environmental awareness or precisely because of “modern” lifestyles. The large amount of packaging does not end up in recycling and thus in the material cycle, but in waste incineration. Almost a third of all packaging waste in Germany occurs in front of the checkouts in retail and wholesale.
For the most part, disposable packaging is used for transport, which consists predominantly of paper, cardboard and cardboard. However, their production not only uses waste paper, but also valuable primary raw materials. A sustainability goal of packaging development and production is to use as little material as possible without jeopardizing the protection of the packaged product.
For the most part, disposable packaging is used for transport, which consists predominantly of paper, cardboard and cardboard. However, their production not only uses waste paper, but also valuable primary raw materials. A sustainability goal of packaging development and production is to use as little material as possible without jeopardizing the protection of the packaged product.
Transformation is achieved through the development of packaging for closed cycles in which it is recycled and reused in order to counteract “littering”, especially of recyclable plastic packaging, and the incineration of growing mountains of waste. The packaging industry also deals with unpackaged and reusable solutions. Reusable bottles and cups, reusable containers for food or packaging for shipping and transport provide resource-saving and environmentally friendly alternatives, especially in the food sector. Innovative and customer-friendly solutions help to reduce packaging waste and raise consumer awareness of sustainability.
The industry therefore includes, for example, the production of sales, service and shipping packaging as well as unpackaged and reusable solutions. Companies that collect, sort, treat and recycle materials are classified in the “waste disposal and recycling industry” sector.
The industry therefore includes, for example, the production of sales, service and shipping packaging as well as unpackaged and reusable solutions. Companies that collect, sort, treat and recycle materials are classified in the “waste disposal and recycling industry” sector.
Industry Materiality
Key Fields in the Industry



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EU NACE Classification
Industry NACE Classes
Unsure if the industry is the right one? A comparison with the EU’s granular NACE classification provides clarity.
Included NACE classes in the industry
16.24 – Manufacture of packaging materials, storage containers and load carriers made of wood
17.21 – Manufacture of corrugated paper and cardboard as well as packaging materials made from paper, cardboard and cardboard
22.22 – Manufacture of packaging materials from plastics
25.92 – Manufacture of packaging and closures made of iron, steel and non-ferrous metal
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