Sustainability in the Industry
Office Supplies and Advertising Materials

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Impacts, Risks and Opportunities
Sustainability in Office Supplies and Advertising Materials
The trend towards the “Green Office” is irreversible. Around 18 million people in Germany work in offices or from home. The leverage of office supplies and advertising materials for circular economy and climate neutrality is correspondingly great. Sustainability is rapidly becoming more important as a purchasing criterion in the industry. While end consumers are increasingly placing value on upcycling and recycling products, buyers are paying attention to product selection in line with the company’s own sustainability strategy when purchasing office and advertising materials. Social standards in the supply chain and the advertising effect of sustainable lifestyles also become decision criteria. The industry’s pioneers respond with new concepts.
The focus is on longevity and circularity, real added value, the use of renewable raw materials and the possibility of replenishing and recyclability of the end products. Concrete nudges such as further distribution of recycled paper, wood instead of plastic for long-lasting office materials, use of merchandise drinking bottles for tap water instead of plastic bottles, solar chargers for cell phones or fairly manufactured advertising materials that communicate social projects: Office materials and advertising materials make concrete material or communicative contributions, which are spread around millions of times.
The industry includes, for example, the production of stationery and office supplies as well as advertising materials.
Industry Materiality
Key Fields in the Industry



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EU NACE Classification
Industry NACE Classes
Included NACE classes in the industry
17.21 – Manufacture of corrugated paper and cardboard as well as packaging materials made from paper, cardboard and cardboard
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